Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Presidential Candidates or Inventors?

So let me get this straight, Gore invented the Internet and Mccain invented the Blackberry...
I received this article (on my blackberry nonetheless) from the Mailing List: 
Dear MoveOn member,

Get this. Apparently, John McCain invented the BlackBerry! Today, McCain's top economic adviser waved a BlackBerry in front of reporters and said, "He did this...You're looking at the miracle John McCain helped create."

A miracle indeed. Who ever would have guessed that the BlackBerry was invented by a 72-year-old man who recently called himself computer "illiterate," talked about "a Google," and said he "watches" blogs?

It came with this video attached. This is the "Driver" of Mccains campaign bus "The Straight Talk Express". I'm a bit confused as he seems to make it clear that Mccain does not even know what a Blackberry is. So I decided to search the web and found this response in a Washington Post article from the Mccain Campaign: 

The campaign of Sen. John McCain wanted to be clear yesterday: The Arizona Republican did not help create the BlackBerry.

So Mccain's Campaign puts the idea out there that he invented the BlackBerry. His bus driver says Mccain has no idea what a BlackBerry is.  The Democrats catch it, and then Mccain retracts. Its a funny world we live in...


Daniel said...

Although the McCain campaign shows its lack of communication and knowledge by many of its members, Senator McCain should be applauded for actually going out and making sure that the truth is out there, something done way too rarely by politicians.

Steven P said...

Is that how you view it or did he realize that even his "bus driver" knew that was impossible, and therefore had to tell the truth. We know that despite being proven otherwise Palin continues to lie regarding the bridge to nowhere, so it that an honest campaign after all?