Monday, September 8, 2008

Arriba Arriba!

One of the most jolting facts that I found in the 2006 Pew Research is in regards to the Online Political Activist, and I believe it is a message of something greater. Of their research in regards to online political activists 81% have broadband connections! This shows a desire for "instant gratification" when it comes to getting information on the web. While some might suggest that those that are political active are wealthier and thus more likely to be able to
afford broadband, this (albeit not scholarly) article suggests:
Still, many dial up Internet users are reluctant to make the switch to broadband due to the increased cost in Internet access, and fail to recognize broadband's money saving potential.

So this desire for instantenous information is the real drive for broadband internet, not a benefit of the wealthy. I think this tells the story of why internet has become such a significant source of political information. The ability to access information wherever and whenever you want, at a speed allowing for instantaneous access makes the internet a valuable and popular source for news information.

This more recent chart shows how over time this desire for speed and "instant gratification" has driven those using dial-up to switch to broadband.

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