Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The power of creepy music...

While the scary music and the creepy voiceover make this ad quite powerful, if you turn off the sound and just watch the video (what our brains might actually be doing when we see this ad) it makes an even stronger statement. It connects Senator Obama with William Ayers. Whether the facts prove true or not, the typical voter will see this video and through the use of fear, a common campaign tactic, a voter might be afraid to vote for Senator Obama due to his "connection" to this terrorist. This article refutes the attempted connection that the Mccain campaign is trying to establish:

"This whole connection is a stretch," Harrington told me. "Barack was very well known in Chicago, and a highly respected legislator. It would be difficult to find people round here who never volunteered or contributed money to one of his campaigns."


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