Monday, October 27, 2008

Looking Backward to Look Forward

The movie Recount really brought forward the question of how reliable our ballot system is. We could theoretically look at every state and try and predict where similar issues that took place in 2000, but they all came from the central issue of how can we best figure out the intent of voters. Perhaps we could gather everyone from each county at high noon and use one of these to figure out who everyone wants to vote for, we might get a better result than in Florida. 

On a more serious note, what has really been done by each state (especially in Florida) to ensure that improvements have been made to ensure that there is an established way of ensuring each citizen's vote is counted and counted accurately. This piece of data shows that by the 2oo2 mid-term congressional elections, Florida had not really learned much. The Niemi article shows that the Florida election, while probably the most significant, was not the only occurrence of discrepancy in ballot uniformity and counting. 

I believe that this is a significant issue in this upcoming election. With the ACORN situation threatening the integrity of voting, (according to CNN.) and the continued lack of ability to track computerized/touch screen voting machines, Recount highlights that lack of uniform balloting as well as the threat to the Voter of their intent not being taken into account when their votes are being counted. It seems that we have much to still learn and change from the debacle that was the 2000 Presidential Election. 

1 comment:

Cranky Doc said...

We'll touch on these issues tonight, but remind me to talk about ACORN. Short version = there are threats to the integrity of the ballot, but ACORN is not among them. But this makes for a good case study of how silly arguments enter (and are legitimized by) "mainstream" media.