Friday, August 29, 2008

Dan Quale in a Dress?

This Article has an interesting speculation from the media: 

"Democrats pounced on the selection for Palin's lack of experience; they are likely to cast Palin as Dan Quayle in a dress."
That would seem an odd argument for the Democratic Party to make, as the GOP has been pegging Obama as inexperienced. It will be quite interesting to see how Mccain's choice of a woman on his ticket will play out on election day.


Cranky Doc said...

I wondered myself if the parallels with Spiro Agnew weren't actually more on point; assuming I wasn't the first to wonder this, and too lazy to write something, I turned to the google. And voila:

Cranky Doc said...

James Fallows turns to Justice Thomas as the apt comparison: Others, of course, hve instead cited failed Supreme Copurt nominee Harriet Myers. So, so far we have: Quayle, Agnew, Thomas, and Myers. Anything we've missed?

Cranky Doc said...

PS: Check your time stamp -- do you have the correct time zone set? Posts seem to be off by three hours. sp

Cranky Doc said...

Matt Yglesias adds Eagleton. See penultimate graph:

Cranky Doc said...

Okay, clearly I'm intrigued by this exercise. Some Profs. now weigh in ( and add to the mix, "John W. Kern, Democrat William Jennings Bryan’s 1908 running mate."

Cranky Doc said...

Oh, I've got one more -- there's Ross Perot's running mate, Admiral Stockdale, although he's arguably less a case of limited experience than just plain out-of-his-depth (his infamous line from the VP debate: "Who am I? What am I doing here?"

But as this list grows, it makes me consider the possibility that the Palin nomination is not, in truth, much of an anomaly. . . .Hmmmm. . .

Steven P said...

Glad I got you going on this one. The politico has a great update, with a comment from the Mccain campaign. I am starting to believe that the choice of Gov. Sarah Palin as a running mate was more of a political move than a real choice for a worthy VP.